The Kolbe Advantage
What is Kolbe and how do we use it?
When hiring an associate dentist, having someone who works in your practice that compliments your working style can mean the difference between a functional, happy workplace and an unproductive, stressed environment.
We use Kolbe to analyze the conative part of your working style which influences your drive and your methods of taking action. When a Kolbe result of a dental associate applicant meshes with the dental practice owner, they understand each other on a deeper level and can complement one another’s working style.
Kolbe a index
The Kolbe Index (Instinct Test) is not an IQ or personality test. It measures the instinctive ways you take action when you are doing your very best.
Your Kolbe Index result will describe your natural strengths – also know as your MO.
There are two responses for each question – MOST and LEAST. It is important to spend the time to carefully consider each question and weigh each possible result. We find that if a Kolbe Assessment is rushed in any way, the final result will often be inconclusive. It is important to then take the assessment again, after a two week wait.
Just remember – there are no right or wrong answers!
What can I expect after taking a Kolbe test?
After taking the Kolbe assessment, you will receive a 4 number final score.
The first number represents “Fact Finder”.
The second number represents “Follow Thru”
The third number represents “Quick Start”
The fourth number represents “Implementor”
And each number can be a number between 1 and 9, 1 being a low score for that result, and 9 being a high score for that result. Each one of those 4 numbers have their results broken into 3 sections each – so you can imagine how in-depth a simple 20-minute assessment can be!
Fact Finder is broken out into – Simplify/Explain/Strategize
Follow Thru is broken out into – Adapt/Maintain/Systematize
Quick Start is broken out into – Stabilize/Modify/Innovate
Implementor is broken out into – Envision/Restore/Demonstrate
An example of this would be the Kolbe A assessment score of 8643.

Fact Finder – Strategize (Researching in-depth, Define terms, Establish priorities, etc)
Follow Thru – Maintain (Draft guidelines, identify inconsistencies, coordinate schedules, etc)
Quick Start – Modify (Adjust deadlines, Reduce risk, Participate in Experiments, etc)
Implementor – Envision (Conceptualize solutions, sketch ideas, capture the essence, etc)
These results are then shown with the ways you can spend your time and how to be most effective in your workplace.
We provide Kolbe assessment to both our hiring dentist and the applicants – so we can make sure that they will be able to work smoothly with each other!
Kolbe vs Disc
The Kolbe Theory identifies instinct based or natural abilities. This is also called their MO.
Kathy Kolbe says that there are three dimensions to the mind.
- Affective, this is your emotions, personality and motivations. It also includes your desires, beliefs and attitudes.
- Cognitive, this is your intelligence, learning style, skills and how you reason. It would also include your IQ, education and training.
- Conative, this is your instincts, your MO, talent, drive or your will. We get energy from our instincts and without them nothing happens.
The Kolbe assessment determines our natural instincts. We are born with them and we do not need to improve them. The Kolbe A index has been proven to predict behaviour patterns and performance success in individual and in teams. Kolbe measures how we like facts, follow through, handle risk and how we like to implement.
Personality influences your attitude. Social style matter in personal relationships and how we communicate with each other. The DiSC assessment is based on four personality styles. Understanding behavior styles allows us to become better communicators and to minimize conflict. DiSC tells us whether you are dominant, social, sincere, sympatric, or cautious and consistent.
To understand the affective part of your brain taking the DiSC assessment can clarify your social style. The Kolbe assessment will determine your natural instinct or MO and the IQ test, and education will determine your cognitive.
There are many options out there for assessing personalities, intelligence, and working styles – but we have found Kolbe Assessments work the best.